It's kind of fun when the possibilitie are endless.
Here’s just a selection of some of my work.
Gunpla Gallery
Front-end development
Gunpla Gallery is an online community for Gunpla builders to showcase their work, check out other builders' work, and see what kits are out there. Front-end was done alongside one other developer by converting Sketch desktop design to CSS/SCSS on an Elixir app. Responsiveness design and coding for small and large screen sizes was done by the front-end team.

Walt Disney World
Email template design & development
Developed mobile and desktop email templates using HTML and CSS while maintaining style guidelines across various Disney campaigns and lines-of-business.’ QA tested for browser compatibility using Email on Acid.

Sounds True
Email template design & development
Developed and designed mobile and desktop email templates using HTML and CSS for various Sounds True products and initiatives.

Sugar Rush
Web Design / UI / UX / Front-end development
eCommerce site design selling curated product selection of high-end chocolate bars from Brooklyn startups. Wireframes designed in Figma, logo designed in PhotoShop and site built using HTML, CSS3 and JavaScript.

Front-end Development / UX / UI / Web Design
Find the perfect recipe for your health concerns. Type in a recipe and select up to 15 allergens for a list of recipes and further nutritional information. Completed all front-end and design using React CSS and React-Router-Dom using an external API: Edamam Nutrition.

I'm here to help you!
I'm currently available for freelance work.
Find me on LinkedIn, GitHub, Medium, Twitter and say hi!